The new #AuntAlma Book is now available!
Adrienne Says

Welcome to #AuntAlma’s World
Welcome to! This is your go-to place for keeping up with all things #AuntAlma. From witty words to quirky quips, you’ll get your daily dose of laughs and then some. You’ll get your fill of the strut and sass that set her apart. You’ll get a little bit of common sense, a little bit […]

#AuntAlma: ‘You Want Me to Tell You What I Really Think?’
People care about what #AuntAlma thinks, so they ask me. One common question is, “What does #AuntAlma think about all this?” “All this” typically means the love that people—most of them strangers—have bestowed upon her. Now, with the release of my new book, #AuntAlma: Raisin’ a Little Hell Heaven on Earth, that question has been […]

Barnes & Noble Book Signing
Barnes & Noble has been rolling out its promotional materials for the book signing event for my new book, #AuntAlma: Raisin’ a Little Hell Heaven on Earth. July 22 is fast-approaching, and this is the perfect time to allow me to meet you. Come to the store, let’s chit-chat, purchase a book, and let me sign it. […]

Hudson, New York, Book Signing
I shared previously that I have a book signing at Barnes & Noble scheduled for Southeast Missouri on July 22. On Thursday, I received approval to do a signing at the Hudson Area Library in Hudson, NY, where I lived, attended church, and taught for more than 17 years. That event will take place on August […]

#AuntAlma’s 79th Birthday
Today is #AuntAlma’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Auntie! So what is my aunt doing on this her 79th birthday? Well, when I spoke to her earlier, she was at the vet’s office. She loves those two dogs, Shirley and Tiny, and she takes good care of them. Good thing because they need it; they are about […]

Southeast Missourian: Adrienne Ross Publishes Book Inspired by Aunt Alma
The Southeast Missourian published an article about my new book, #AuntAlma: Raisin’ a little Hell Heaven on Earth: If there’s one thing author and motivational speaker Adrienne Ross knows, it’s the best laughs usually aren’t scripted. That’s why she decided recently to write a book based on the off-the-cuff sayings of her indomitable, 79-year-old Aunt […]

Successful Barnes & Noble Book Signing
The Barnes & Noble book signing last Friday for my new book, #AuntAlma: Raisin’ a little Hell Heaven on Earth, was a success and an event I enjoyed thoroughly. See a photo album of the event here.

Newsletter: Vol.1, No. 1
Hi, Everyone! I am excited to bring you our first newsletter! This one is filled with recap and pictures from the Barnes & Noble book signing, as well as information about what’s to come. That’s the good news. The not-so-good news is that the newsletter program I used is ornery, so I was not able […]

Newsletter: Vol. 1, No. 2
Hello! Welcome to newsletter #2, this one dedicated to my book signing event on August 20 in New York. I’m glad you’re reading this, and I hope you continue to keep up with everything that’s going on, so stay tuned to both this site and To see many more pictures of the book signing, […]