In case you're wondering, Aunt Alma is a real person. Yes, someone actually raises all manner of Heaven on earth as #AuntAlma does. Her name is Alma Ross; let me introduce you to her.
Alma was born in Timmonsville, SC, in 1937. She and her siblings eventually moved to New York, where she worked hard, went to college to earn Bachelor and Master's degrees, and became a social worker, retiring from the profession in 1996. She helped raise her two nieces, Adrienne and Marion, and a nephew, Andrew. She was their favorite aunt, always full of fun and laughs. She's still laughing and making others laugh. Her words are a combination of wit and wisdom, and they make up the book Adrienne wrote and named after her: #AuntAlma: Raisin' a Little Heaven on Earth.
Aunt Alma remains a New York resident, along with family that includes her two spoiled dogs, Shirley and Tiny. She spends most of her days showing up unannounced at various doctors' offices, keeping her church friends in line, and running the road with her sister-in-law, Jeanette.